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BY T.A. February 4, 2023

    Lebron is currently a couple of games behind being the NBA All-time leading scorer with just 36 points left.

   So far in the NBA, Lebron’s legacy is one that is gradually arriving at immortality even against the infallible achievements of the Legendary Michael Jordan.

   The current Laker player is currently averaging 30.2 per game, which is incredible for someone at 38. Lebron has continued mounting new feats in the game and seems like he will continue to do so. The irony with Lebron is that he still seems more effective on the court than ever even when he is expected to decline a little.

   Late in 2022, Kareem Abdul Jabar(the current NBA All time Champion expressed his appreciation and support for Lebron James breaking his scoring record. Kareem said “Not only will I celebrate his accomplishment, I will sing his praises unequivocally. I’ve been carrying the torch as record holder for 38 years. I’m excited and relieved to pass it along to the next worthy recipient. LeBron earned it and I hope he carries it even longer than I did.”

  Moreover how difficult will it be for an NBA player to break Lebron’s record:

   The next player behind Lebron on the all-time scoring list – that is still currently playing Basketball is Kevin Durant, of the Brooklyn Nets.

  Mathematically, for KD to break Kareem’s record, it will require him to average about 26 points in every game for the next 5 to 6 seasons. 

  However, we never know if it will still be that simple for KD to beat Lebron Record. Lebron may literally be the Tom Brady of Basketball. If Lebron keeps on playing- at the rate he is playing till he is 41, it may take longer than a decade for anyone to be near his all-time scoring record.

  The Big Question is- Does Lebron really have anything more to prove that he is the greatest basketball player of all time?

  Well…. NO, and also YES…..

    I would not say the Lakers are ruining Lebron’s legacy, but it’s sad that the greatest player of all time is on a team that is struggling to make the playoffs for two seasons in a row. The Lakers are currently the most unpredictable team of the Season. The Lakers are currently the only team that wins regular season games you will never expect them to win and also lose games you would never expect them to lose. Notwithstanding the Lakers’ current state, The King is still the King and the KING is LEBRON.