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Photo by: Jeff Dean/AP

By Lucy Coleman September 10, 2022

Anxiety and excitement usually crawl in when a big game draws close. Sweaty palms and a racing mind are just some of the things that happen when a player remembers that he’s a few moments away from a match that might mark an essential milestone for the team. While it is important for athletes to stay physically prepared for the game, it is equally important to get into the right headspace. Psyching yourself up just before you step into the field will help you play your best and have fun while at it as you aren’t feeling pressured or overwhelmed.

What does “getting psyched up” imply??? Getting psyched up means being in the right mental state to perform at the optimal level. When engaging in sports, the power the mind has to help us play the best we can on the field or court is usually underestimated. This is why athletes need to train their bodies as well as their minds when preparing for a competition. 

There is a tremendous relationship between a player’s state of mind and his performance. In fact, recent studies show how mental health has a significant impact on an athlete’s success in sports. Over 80% of athletes can be deemed either successful or unsuccessful after their mood and personality structure have been measured.

This is where sports psychology comes in.

The field of psychology has grown more notable over the past several years because research has proven how important it is for sportsmen and sportswomen to be mentally equipped before a game, and to also maintain the right and healthy mindset throughout the  competition.

How then can one channel the nervous jitters and transform them into the focus and precision needed on game day? This article will provide you with some research-backed helpful tips for how to make sure you have the best mindset for your next big competition.


  1. Find a routine that works for you and stick with it.

Fun fact: Just before basketball star LeBron James begins a game, he famously performs a chalk toss. Tennis star Rafael Nadal has to stroll onto the court eating an energy gel and drinking hydration drinks at the same time for a few minutes before his game begins. It’s worth noting that the world’s best athletes have pre-game routines, and it’s been like that for as long as we can remember.

As weird as this might come off as, these pre-game rituals or routines relax players and help to get them in the right mindset before a match. Even the greatest athlete still has moments when he loses faith in himself from time to time.

Routines will come in handy. They enable a player to build their confidence and get them mentally ready for the game at hand. An excellent pre-game routine will also enable players to ascertain everything they know you can do essentially. Routines do this by making sure that everything you have learned in practice will now be effectively performed in the game. You can develop these routines during practice and consistently repeat them before a match, and that should be enough to get you truly ready for the game. Finding a pre-game routine isn’t as hectic as it sounds. All you have to do is to find what relaxes you and provides you with the kind of focus to help you perform your best. Are you in a team and do you have your routine already?

Try creating a pre-game routine for your team members as well! Not only does it help to improve the overall team performance, but it also helps to build a positive team culture.

2. Find someone who can motivate you

Listening to words of motivation can have a positive impact on the thought process of an athlete.The motivational speech could come from your coach, family, or even online videos from people you admire. This could provide you with the drive needed to go into the game with a winner’s mindset

3. Motivate yourself

Avoid phrases such as “What if I fail?” “I could miss my pass” Instead, give yourself positive and instructional self-talk. With instructional self-talk, you can mentally go through all the tactics you’ve practiced during your training sessions and help you perform better. Positive self-talk boosts the level of your confidence. 

4. Stay as active as possible

Right before a game, some athletes let their bodies become passive and inactive. Keeping your body and mind as active as possible is important before a big game. You could practice cardiovascular workouts or “aerobics” such as swimming, rope jumping, running, stair-stepping, jogging, skipping, and cycling at least for 30 to 50 minutes daily. This boosts a player’s stamina by increasing their aerobic capacity to a great extent. One could also carry out Weight-based circuit training such as sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, squat jumps, etc which should in developing muscular strength, thereby improving endurance. Exercising for 1 minute at each of the 10 to 20 stations of a circuit should be enough.

5 . Get a playlist

If you are prone to getting nervous or anxious before a big game, listening to some music might help. According to a recent survey, music can be therapeutic as it helps reduce stress before tense competitions. The trick is to make either a soothing playlist that calms your nerves or a type of playlist to boost your energy and increase focus before a game. 

Being the best player you can be on the field or court isn’t just about putting enough time into practice and training. You also need to pay attention to what goes on inside your brain. Getting into the right mindset has a significant impact on how well an athlete can perform during games. These six tips provided above should help you get properly psyched up before a game and benefit you outside the field as well.